In "The Promise of Power: The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan," Maya Tudor explores the contrasting paths to governance taken by India and Pakistan since their...
"The Promises of Giants" by John Amaechi is an inspiring exploration of leadership and personal development, written by the renowned psychologist, organizational consultant, and former NBA player. Amaechi leverages his...
"The Prophet of Mercy: How Muhammad (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity Insult" authored by Mohammad Elshinawy and Omar Suleiman presents a profound exploration of the life and character of Prophet Muhammad...
"The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali ibn Abi Talib" by Hassan Abbas offers a comprehensive account of the life and legacy of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and...
In "The Proposal," Jasmine Guillory weaves a contemporary romantic tale that unfolds with wit, warmth, and modern sensibility. The story revolves around Nikole Paterson, who experiences a surprise public proposal...
"The Proposed Roads to Freedom" by Bertrand Russell Earl presents a philosophical and political exploration of various paths towards achieving individual and societal freedom. Russell, a renowned philosopher and social...
"The Psychoanalyst's Superegos, Ego Ideals and Blind Spots" by Vic Sedlak delves into the intricate dynamics of the human psyche from a psychoanalytic perspective. Sedlak, a seasoned psychoanalyst, explores the...
"The Psychology Book" authored by Wade E. Pickren with a foreword by Philip G. Zimbardo, offers a comprehensive exploration of the diverse and fascinating field of psychology. Through engaging narratives,...
"The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained" by DK is an engaging and accessible guide that breaks down complex psychological concepts and theories into easily understandable segments. This book provides...
The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel is an insightful exploration of the complex relationship people have with money. It dives into how...
The Psychology of Politics by Barry Richards, part of The Psychology of Everything series, explores the intricate relationship between psychological processes and political behavior. Richards delves into how psychological theories...
"The Psychology of Politics" by Barry Richards delves into the intersection of psychological principles and political behavior, offering a comprehensive exploration of how psychological factors influence political decisions and ideologies....
The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible How To Double and Triple Your Sales in Any Market. Understanding the "psychology of selling"...
The Psychology of Social Media by Ciarán McMahon, part of The Psychology of Everything series, provides an insightful examination of how social media platforms impact individual psychology and social behavior....
Understanding the intricate dynamics of trading goes beyond mere financial strategies; it delves into the realm of human behavior and psychology. In "The Psychology of Trading," Brett N. Steenbarger expertly...
"The Psychology of Women 7th Edition by Margaret W. Matlin offers a comprehensive exploration into the unique psychological experiences and challenges faced by women. Matlin delves into various aspects of...
"The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorder 1st Edition" by Adrian Raine delves deep into the intersection of psychology and criminal behavior, offering a groundbreaking exploration of...
The Punjab Consumer Protection Act 2005 With The Punjab Consumer Protection Rules 2009 - IlBH (IRFAN LAW BOOK HOUSE) is a comprehensive legal text that serves as an essential resource...
"The Punjab Under Imperialism 1885-1947" authored by Imran Ali offers a comprehensive historical analysis of the Punjab region during the period of British imperialism in India. Imran Ali, a noted...
"The Purple Phototrophic Bacteria, edited by C. Neil Hunter, Fevzi Daldal, Marion C. Thurnauer, and J. Thomas Beatty, delves into the fascinating world of these unique organisms. This comprehensive volume...