"The Pakistani Way of Life" by I.H. Qureshi offers a profound exploration of the cultural, social, and historical dimensions that shape Pakistan's identity. This insightful book delves into various facets...
In "The Paleozoic Era: Diversification of Plant and Animal Life," John P. Rafferty delves into one of the most pivotal periods in Earth's history, exploring the evolutionary explosion that laid...
"The Pandemic Century: A History of Global Contagion from the Spanish Flu to Covid-19" by Mark Honigsbaum provides a sweeping narrative of humanity's encounters with major infectious diseases over the...
"The Paris Apartment" by Lucy Foley beckons readers into a world of mystery and intrigue set against the backdrop of the enchanting city of Paris. In this captivating novel, Foley...
"The Parliament of Pakistan: A History of Institution-Building and (Un)Democratic Practices, 1971-1977 by Mahboob Hussain" delves into the foundational years of Pakistan's parliamentary system, exploring the evolution of its institutions...
"The Particle Odyssey: A Journey to the Heart of Matter" by Frank Close is a captivating exploration into the world of particle physics. This book takes readers on an exciting...
"The Pashtuns: A Contested History" by Tilak Devasher provides an in-depth exploration of the complex and often tumultuous history of the Pashtun people. Spanning from their ancient origins to contemporary...
"The Path I Made" by Tasnim Ahsan intricately weaves the narrative of a protagonist's journey through life's myriad of challenges and triumphs. Ahsan's eloquent prose delicately explores the complexities of...
"The Pathans With An Epilogue On Russia" by Sir Olaf Caroe delves into the intricate history and cultural fabric of the Pathan tribes of Afghanistan and Pakistan, offering profound insights...
"The Peach: Botany, Production and Uses" 1st Edition by Desmond R Layne and D Bassi is an extensive resource covering all aspects of peach cultivation and utilization. This guide delves...
The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a timeless novella that tells the story of Kino, a poor pearl diver whose life is changed when he discovers an enormous and valuable...
"The Pearson Guide to Organic Chemistry for the IIT JEE" by Atul Singhal is a comprehensive resource tailored for students preparing for the challenging IIT JEE examination. This guide delves...
"The Pearson Guide to Physical Chemistry for the IIT JEE" by Atul Singhal is a meticulously crafted resource designed to cater to the needs of students preparing for the highly...
"The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology 3rd Edition" by Arthur S. Reber serves as an authoritative and comprehensive resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in the field of psychology. This...
"The Performance of Nationalism: India, Pakistan, and the Memory of Partition" by Jisha Menon offers a thought-provoking exploration into how the memory of Partition has been constructed and performed in...
"The Pesticide Biochemistry" by Sher Akbar Khan Barkat is an in-depth exploration of the biochemical mechanisms and impacts of pesticides. The book provides a comprehensive overview of how pesticides interact...
"The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster is a beloved classic that follows the whimsical adventures of Milo, a young boy who finds a mysterious tollbooth in his room. Upon driving...
"The Philosopher: A History in Six Types" by Justin E. H. Smith offers a captivating exploration into the diverse roles and archetypes of philosophers throughout history. Smith delves into six...
"The Philosophical Works of al-Kindi (Studies in Islamic Philosophy)" edited by Peter E. Pormann and Peter Adamson is a comprehensive collection that illuminates the philosophical contributions of al-Kindi, an influential...
"The Philosophy of Zoology" by John Fleming offers a profound exploration into the philosophical underpinnings of the study of animals. In this seminal work, Fleming delves into the rich tapestry...