"Dusra Aashiq" by Qaiser Abbas Sabir offers a profound exploration of human emotions and societal intricacies within the context of Pakistani culture. Sabir masterfully weaves a narrative that delves into...
"Dynamic Equations on Time Scales" by Martin Bohner and Allan Peterson is a seminal work that unifies continuous and discrete analysis, providing a comprehensive framework for studying dynamic equations on...
"Dynamics and Relativity" 1st Edition by J. R Forshaw and A. G Smith delves into the fascinating realms of classical mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity, offering a comprehensive exploration...
Dynamics Engineering Mechanics 3rd Edition by Andrew Pytel & Jaan Kiusalaas presents a comprehensive exploration of engineering mechanics in dynamic systems, offering foundational principles and practical applications crucial for understanding...
E-CAT for UET & Other Universities (Smart Brain) by Dogar Brothers stands as a beacon of excellence in preparing students for the Engineering College Admission Test (E-CAT) required by the...
E-commerce has evolved significantly in recent years, shaping business practices, technological advancements, and societal interactions. Kenneth Laudon and Carol Traver's 17th edition of "E-commerce 2021–2022" explores these transformations comprehensively. From...
"Earth Knowledge Genius!: A Quiz Encyclopedia to Boost Your Brain" by DK is an interactive and visually engaging resource that combines detailed information about our planet with fun and challenging...
"Think Series Easy Sociology For Undergraduate Programs BS ADS CSS PMS" by Prof. Abdul Aziz Taga is an accessible and comprehensive guide tailored for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Sociology,...
"Easy Way to Ultrasound, 6th Edition" by Manzoor Ahmad is a user-friendly guide designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners in the field of ultrasound. This updated edition provides a...
"Eating Grass (The Making Of The Pakistani Bomb)" by Feroz H Khan explores Pakistan's journey towards becoming a nuclear-armed state, detailing the geopolitical pressures, technological challenges, and strategic decisions that...
Preparing for the Engineering College Admission Test (ECAT) demands rigorous practice and thorough understanding of key concepts. The "ECAT (Smart Brain)" guide by Muhammad Idrees, published by Dogar Brothers, emerges...
"ECAT Pakistan" authored by Ch. Muhammad Iqbal and published by Dogar Publishers is an essential preparatory resource for candidates aiming to excel in the Engineering Colleges Admission Test (ECAT) in...
"Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is" by Friedrich Nietzsche is an introspective and provocative work where Nietzsche reflects on his own philosophy and personal life. Written in a...
"Echo Made Easy" by Sam Kaddoura is a comprehensive guide designed to simplify the complex field of echocardiography for medical professionals. This book breaks down the principles and practice of...
"Echoes in Death" by J.D. Robb is a captivating murder mystery that follows Lieutenant Eve Dallas as she investigates a brutal attack on a young couple. Set in a futuristic...
Ecofeminism is a movement that combines ecological concerns with feminist perspectives, emphasizing the interconnections between the oppression of women and the degradation of the environment. In "Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature,"...
In the fifth edition of "Ecology and Field Biology" by Robert Leo Smith, readers are treated to an in-depth exploration of the intricate relationships between organisms and their environments. This...
"Ecology: Concepts and Applications" by Anna A. Sher, now in its 9th Edition, provides a comprehensive and engaging exploration of ecological principles and their real-world applications. This edition emphasizes a...
Gujarati's textbook equips learners with essential econometric skills through practical examples and software integration, making it a vital resource in econometric education and research. Key Points: 1. Comprehensive Coverage of...
Econometrics by Fumio Hayashi is a comprehensive textbook that serves as an essential guide to the principles and applications of econometric methods. Hayashi's approach combines theoretical rigor with practical insights,...