Crazy Rich Asians: A Novel by Kevin Kwan takes readers on a whirlwind journey into the extravagant world of Asia's ultra-wealthy elite. Through the eyes of Rachel Chu, an American-born...
"Creating Self-Regulated Learners 1st Edition" by Linda B. Nilson is a comprehensive guide aimed at helping educators foster self-regulation skills in their students. Self-regulated learners are those who can set...
Crescent CAF-02 Tax Practice Study Notes, Examination Questions and Answers (Tax Year 2025) by Adnan Rauf (FCA) is a comprehensive guide designed for students preparing for the ICAP exams in...
"Criminal Law" by Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the principles and practices of criminal law. Through clear explanations, case studies, and practical examples,...
Criminal Psychology: An Introduction 2nd Edition, authored by Russil Durrant, offers a comprehensive overview of the intricate interplay between psychology and criminal behavior. This seminal work delves into the minds...
The 12th edition of "Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science" by Richard Saferstein provides an in-depth look into the world of forensic science, emphasizing the application of scientific principles and...
Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science 11th Edition by Richard Saferstein provides an in-depth look at the principles and techniques used in forensic science to solve crimes. This edition continues...
In the fourth edition of "Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy" by Gennaro F. Vito and Jeffrey R. Maahs, readers are taken on an insightful journey through the intricate web of...
Criminology by Dr. Liaquat Khan Niazi, published by Caravan, presents a comprehensive overview of the field of criminology. This authoritative text delves into various aspects of crime, criminal behavior, and...
"Criminology for CSS PMS" by Shah Hassan and Sardar Sajid Mahmood Wattoo is a comprehensive guide designed specifically for students preparing for competitive examinations like CSS and PMS. This revised...
"Criminology: The Key Concepts" by Martin O'Brien and Majid Yar provides a concise yet comprehensive exploration of essential criminological theories, practices, and principles. This authoritative text delves into the core...
"Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies, 13th Edition" by Larry J. Siegel provides an extensive and updated exploration of the complex field of criminology. This edition reflects the latest research and...
Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context, 7th Edition by Stephen E. Brown, Finn-Aage Esbensen, and Gilbert Geis offers an in-depth exploration of the multifaceted nature of crime, its causes, and...
In their seminal work, Crisis Intervention Handbook, Kenneth Yeager and Albert Roberts present a comprehensive guide to navigating and addressing crises effectively. This handbook is an indispensable resource for professionals...
Crisis Intervention Strategies 8th Edition by Richard K. James and Burl E. Gilliland is a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing effective crisis intervention techniques. This authoritative text equips mental...
"Critical Care, 3rd Edition" by Mervyn Singer and Andrew R. Webb is a seminal text in the field, offering a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices essential for managing...
In the 11th Edition of "Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach" by Patricia Gonce Morton and Dorrie K. Fontaine, readers are provided with an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the...
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Norman Fairclough is a seminal work that explores the intricate relationship between language, power, and society. Fairclough's approach to CDA focuses on how discourse shapes,...
"Critical Incidents in Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling" by Tracey E. Robert and Virginia A. Kelly explores the intricate intersection of spirituality and counseling through a series of compelling case studies...
"Critical Language Pedagogy" by Amanda J. Godley and Jeffrey Reaser delves into the intersection of language education and social justice, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing linguistic diversity in...