"Babar Biti Zamanay Jo Khwab Huway" by Babar Hassan Baharwana encapsulates a riveting narrative that traverses through the dreams and aspirations of its characters against the backdrop of time. Through...
Making Sense: Conversations on Consciousness by Sam Harris is a thought-provoking exploration of the nature of consciousness, featuring a series of deep discussions with leading philosophers, scientists, and thinkers. Sam...
Delve into the complex interplay of personal experience and societal norms surrounding motherhood with "Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution" by Adrienne Rich. In this groundbreaking work, Rich...
"The Stranger" by Albert Camus is a philosophical novel that explores themes of existentialism and the absurdity of human existence through the story of Meursault, a detached and indifferent Algerian...
"The Way of the World," a celebrated comedy by William Congreve, adapted and translated by Subhash Bisaria, entwines wit and satire to portray the intrigues of love and society in...