In "India's Military Strategy Countering Pakistan's Challenge," S. Kalyanaraman delves into the complex dynamics of one of the world's most intense military rivalries. With meticulous research and strategic insight, the...
In "International Peacekeeping: Perspectives From Pakistan," Tughral Yamin presents a comprehensive analysis of Pakistan's role in international peacekeeping efforts, offering a unique perspective shaped by the country's rich history, strategic...
In "Interpretations of Jihad in South Asia: An Intellectual History," Tariq Rahman meticulously examines the multifaceted and evolving discourse surrounding the concept of jihad within the context of South Asia....
"Iskander Mirza Pakistan's First Elected President's Memoirs from Exile by Syed Khawar Mehdi" delves into the fascinating account of Iskander Mirza, Pakistan's inaugural elected president, as recounted by author Syed...
"A Guide to Islamiat" by Muhammad Shahid Akbar, published by Akbar & Sons Publication, is a valuable resource tailored for candidates preparing for various competitive exams, including PPSC, FPSC, NTS,...
"Islamic Studies CSS PMS" authored by Dr. Shazia Ramzan Ainee Rubab and published by AHP offers a comprehensive guide for candidates preparing for the Central Superior Services (CSS) and Provincial...
The ISSB Tests Success Guide by Dogar Brothers is a comprehensive preparation manual designed for candidates aspiring to join the armed forces of Pakistan through ISSB. The book covers all...
In its examination of democracy in Pakistan, Jahangir World Times delves into the intricate fabric of the nation's political landscape, offering critical insights and analyses. The series navigates through the...
"Jihadism in Pakistan" authored by Antonio Giustozzi offers a comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics surrounding the phenomenon of jihadism within the complex socio-political landscape of Pakistan. Through meticulous research...
"Jinnah of Pakistan" by Stanley Wolpert offers an in-depth exploration of the life and legacy of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan. The book delves into Jinnah's political...
"Jinnah: A Life" by Yasser Latif Hamdani delves into the complex persona of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan. Through meticulous research and engaging narrative, Hamdani provides a...
The "Kashmir Kay Hamla Aawar Aur Pindi Saazish" case, authored by Inayatullah, delves into the intricate web of events surrounding acts of terrorism in Kashmir and the alleged conspiracies originating...
"Khufia Papers" by Qayyum Nizami delves into the clandestine and covert operations within the political and intelligence landscapes of Pakistan. Through a detailed exploration of confidential documents, insider accounts, and...
"Lahore: Topophilia of Space and Place " by Anna Suvorova offers a captivating journey through the historical and cultural tapestry of Lahore, Pakistan. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Suvorova unveils...
"Delve into the depths of sociology with 'Lecturer Subject Specialist Sociology MCQs CSS PMS PCS' authored by Amir Mukhtar and published by ILMI. This comprehensive guide is tailored specifically for...
In "Legal System of Pakistan," Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee provides an in-depth exploration of the country's legal framework, highlighting its historical foundations, structure, and key components. The book meticulously outlines...
The "Literacy Mobilizer Recruitment Test Guide" by Dogar Publishers is a comprehensive resource designed to assist candidates in preparing for the recruitment tests conducted by the Punjab Public Service Commission...
"Medi Call NLE Last Aid 2024" by Dr. Tauseef Afridi is a comprehensive resource designed to aid medical professionals and students in their preparation for the National Licensing Examination (NLE)....
"Modern History Of USA For CSS PMS M.A" authored by M Sohail Bhatti and published by Bhatti Sons Publications is a definitive guide tailored specifically for aspirants preparing for the...
Mutala Pakistan Class XII By Subhan Khan Sharwarni is an educational resource designed to provide comprehensive coverage of Pakistan Studies for students at the twelfth-grade level. Authored by Subhan Khan...