"Alif" by Umera Ahmed is a profound and thought-provoking novel that intricately weaves together themes of spirituality, self-discovery, and the contrasting worlds of fame and faith. The narrative revolves around...
"All In One Paper MCQs Second Edition By Attique Malik is a comprehensive resource designed to aid students preparing for various competitive examinations. This second edition encompasses a wide array...
"All Of Statistics: A Concise Course In Statistical Inference" by Larry Wasserman offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the fundamental concepts of statistical inference, making it an essential resource...
"All Uworld Notes USMLE Step One" is a comprehensive study aid tailored for medical students preparing for the USMLE Step One exam. It condenses essential information from various medical disciplines,...
"All Your Perfects" by Colleen Hoover is a poignant novel that explores the complexities of marriage, infertility, and the endurance of love. The story revolves around Quinn and Graham, whose...
Gabriel Said Reynolds' book, "Allah God In The Quran," delves into the complex portrayal and understanding of Allah in the Quran, exploring theological, historical, and linguistic perspectives. Reynolds examines the...
"Allah Loves Omar Suleiman" is a profound exploration of faith, spirituality, and divine love, articulated through the teachings and reflections of Sheikh Omar Suleiman. The book delves into the qualities...
The "Allied Treatment Guidelines Second Edition" by Faizan Ali Khan and Furqan Ali Khan is an extensive and meticulously crafted manual aimed at providing healthcare professionals with an updated and...
In "Almiya Tareekh" (Global History) by Dr. Mubarak Ali, readers are introduced to a comprehensive overview of world history that traverses through various epochs, civilizations, and cultures. Dr. Ali meticulously...
In "America Ki Tareekh," James West, translated by Yasir Jawad, offers a concise yet comprehensive exploration of American history. This insightful work delves into pivotal moments, key figures, and transformative...
"America's First Daughter" is a historical novel by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie that intricately weaves the story of Martha "Patsy" Jefferson Randolph, the eldest daughter of Thomas Jefferson. Set...
Andrew Preston's "American Foreign Relations: A Short Introduction" offers a concise yet thorough exploration of the United States' interactions with the world, highlighting key moments, policies, and themes that have...
Colin Woodard's "American Nations" offers a compelling analysis of the United States' historical and cultural landscape, positing that the nation is comprised of eleven distinct regional "nations" with unique values,...
American Political Parties And Elections by L. Sandy Maisel offers a comprehensive overview of the intricate dynamics within the American political landscape. Delving into the multifaceted realm of political parties...
"An ABC of English Literature, 4th Edition" by Dr. Muhammad Mofizar Rahman is a quintessential guide for literature enthusiasts and students alike. This edition presents a comprehensive overview of English...
In "An Anonymous Girl" by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen, readers are drawn into a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of identity, morality, and manipulation. The narrative...
"An Immense World" by Ed Yong explores the fascinating ways in which animals perceive the world differently from humans, revealing the hidden realms of sensory experiences that shape their interactions...
"An Impeccable Spy" by Owen Matthews is a meticulously researched biography that chronicles the life of Richard Sorge, a Soviet intelligence officer whose espionage activities during World War II were...
"Aquatic Toxicology: An Introduction" by Mikko Nikinmaa serves as a foundational text that explores the effects of toxic substances on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. This book provides a comprehensive overview...
"An Introduction to Behavioral Ecology" by Nicholas B. Davies, John R. Krebs, and Stuart A. West offers a thorough exploration of the evolutionary basis of animal behavior, emphasizing the ecological...