"Akari Ahad Ka Muglia Hindustan" by Dr. Mubarak Ali delves into the intricate history of Mughal India, exploring its cultural, political, and social dimensions. The book provides a comprehensive analysis...
"Akbar Se Aurangzeb Tak" by W.H. Moreland, translated by Jamal Muhammad Siddique, provides an in-depth economic analysis of the Mughal Empire from Akbar's reign to Aurangzeb's. The book examines the...
"Aurangzeb: The Man And The Myth" by Audrey Truschke offers a nuanced exploration of one of the most controversial figures in Indian history. Truschke delves into the life of Aurangzeb,...
Mughlia Saltanat Ka Urooj O Zawal by RP Tarpathi provides a comprehensive analysis of the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire, exploring the various factors that contributed to its...