"1946 Royal Indian Navy Mutiny: Last War of Independence" by Pramod Kapoor delves into a pivotal moment in India's struggle for freedom, shedding light on the Royal Indian Navy's mutiny...
"Frantz Fanon's seminal work, 'Black Skin, White Masks', delves into the complexities of race, identity, and colonialism. Written during a period of decolonization, Fanon's psychological analysis explores the effects of...
In "Deconstructing Hegemony," Eman El Meligi critically examines the complex dynamics of power and dominance within societal structures. By unraveling the layers of hegemonic control, El Meligi explores how dominant...
In "India Wins Freedom," Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement and the country's first Minister of Education, reflects on the tumultuous journey of India's...
In "Inglorious Empire: What The British Did To India," Shashi Tharoor presents a compelling and meticulously researched critique of British colonial rule in India. Tharoor, an esteemed Indian politician and...
On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis by Walter D. Mignolo and Catherine E. Walsh provides a profound exploration of decolonial thought and practice. This collaborative work critically examines the legacies of...
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi is a poignant exploration of the historical and ongoing struggles faced by the Palestinian people over the last century. Khalidi, a...
"The National Question: Decolonizing the Theory of Nationalism" by James M. Blaut presents a critical examination of nationalism through a decolonial lens. Blaut challenges conventional theories of nationalism that often...
The Politics of Decolonial Investigations by Walter D. Mignolo delves into the intricate dynamics of decolonial thought and action. This insightful work navigates the complexities of decolonial investigations, exploring how...