"Friend of My Youth" by Alice Munro is a masterful collection of short stories that explore the intricacies of human relationships, memory, and the passage of time. Each story delves...
"Ham Kahan Ke Sachhe Thay" by Umera Ahmed is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human relationships, morality, and the quest for truth in the face of...
"Hasil Ghat - حاصل گھاٹ" by Bano Qudsia is a profound exploration of human relationships and spiritual quests woven intricately into the fabric of Pakistani society. This novel delves into...
"Hasrat-E-Tameer" by Ashfaq Ahmad, published by Sang-E-Meel Publications, is a profound literary work that delves into the complexities of human desires and aspirations. Through the character Talqeen Shah, Ahmad explores...
Embark on an enlightening journey through the annals of time with "History MCQs From 1500-Present" by the esteemed Professor-Emporium. This comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is meticulously curated to...
"Home Fire," a powerful contemporary novel by Kamila Shamsie, intricately weaves a tale of love, loyalty, and the devastating impact of political extremism on a family. The story follows siblings...
"Husna Aur Husna Ara - حسنہ اور حسن آراء" by Umera Ahmed is a compelling narrative that delves into the lives of two women, both named Husna, who are distinctly...
In "Invisible Influence," Jonah Berger explores the subtle forces that shape our decisions and behaviors without our awareness. Drawing on research from psychology, sociology, and behavioral economics, Berger reveals how...
"Jannat Ki Talash" by Raheem Gul is a profound exploration of human desires, spiritual quests, and the pursuit of paradise. The narrative delves into the complexities of life, reflecting on...
"Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami is a mesmerizing novel that intertwines two distinct yet interconnected narratives, exploring themes of identity, fate, and metaphysical realities. The story follows Kafka...
Kanch Ka Mahal by Tahir Javed Mughal is a compelling novel that explores the intricate dynamics of human relationships against the backdrop of a richly detailed narrative. Set in a...
Khak Ki Mehak by Nasir Abbas Nayyar is a profound literary work that delves into the intricacies of human emotions, social dynamics, and personal introspection. The book weaves together intricate...
"Kulyat Khalil Jibran" (کلیات خلیل جبران) is a comprehensive collection of works by the renowned Lebanese-American poet, philosopher, and artist Khalil Jibran. Known for his profound and reflective writings, Jibran's...
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds is a powerful, poetic novel written in verse that explores themes of grief, revenge, and the cycle of violence. The story follows 15-year-old Will...
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is a compelling allegorical novel that explores the descent into savagery when a group of British boys becomes stranded on a deserted island...
Musafar by Saud Usmani is a profound and evocative narrative that delves into the complexities of human experience and spiritual quest. Through a poignant blend of storytelling and introspection, Usmani...
Niklay Teri Talash Main by Mustansar Hussain Tarar is a captivating literary work that delves into the depths of human emotions and experiences. The book explores the themes of self-discovery,...
"Popular Urdu Mazameen For CSS PMS PCS" by Muhammad Sohail Bhatti, published by Bhatti Publishers, is a compelling anthology tailored for aspirants preparing for competitive exams. This collection encapsulates a...
Powerful: A Powerless Story by Lauren Roberts is a poignant narrative that delves into the intricate dynamics of power and its absence in human relationships. Set against a backdrop of...
"Sinners Consumed by Somme Sketcher" is a riveting exploration of the human psyche, delving deep into the moral complexities and inner struggles of its characters. Set against a backdrop of...