"Let Us Descend: A Novel" by Jesmyn Ward, Oprah's Book Club selection for 2023, is a gripping and thought-provoking story that explores the enduring impact of history and the strength...
Main Anmol by Nimra Ahmed is a captivating novel that weaves together the themes of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of human relationships. The story revolves around the life of...
Majmua Intizar Hussain by Intizar Hussain is a remarkable collection of stories that captures the essence of South Asian culture, history, and the human condition. Intizar Hussain, one of the...
"Mazamin Farhat" by Mehmood Aziz is a compelling collection of essays that delve into various social, cultural, and literary topics. The author presents a rich tapestry of thoughts, reflections, and...
"Mazmeen Nu" by Dr. Baseera Ambreen is a thought-provoking work that delves into contemporary themes with depth and sensitivity. The book is a rich exploration of societal issues, personal experiences,...
Musafar by Saud Usmani is a profound and evocative narrative that delves into the complexities of human experience and spiritual quest. Through a poignant blend of storytelling and introspection, Usmani...
"Norwegian Wood" by Haruki Murakami is a poignant coming-of-age novel set in 1960s Japan, exploring themes of love, loss, and the search for identity. The story follows Toru Watanabe as...
"November 9" by Colleen Hoover is a captivating novel that intricately weaves a tale of love, loss, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of November 9th, the narrative follows Fallon...
"Of Women and Salt: A Novel" by Gabriela Garcia delves into the intricate tapestry of female identity, migration, and lineage, weaving together the stories of five generations of women across...
"On Writing Well" by William Zinsser is a timeless guide to effective nonfiction writing, focusing on clarity, simplicity, and engaging storytelling. Zinsser emphasizes the importance of writing with clarity and...
"Pearls and Shards" is an enthralling literary voyage crafted by the talented wordsmith, Iftikhar H. Malik. Set against the backdrop of cultural intricacies and human emotions, this novel weaves a...
"Pinocchio," originally written by Carlo Collodi, is a timeless children’s tale that follows the adventures of a wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy. The story begins when...
"Pride and Prejudice," one of Jane Austen's most beloved novels, explores themes of love, social class, and individual agency through the lens of 19th-century British society. The story revolves around...
"Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir is a gripping science fiction novel that blends scientific ingenuity with human resilience. The story follows Ryland Grace, an astronaut who wakes up alone...
Rivers Of Ink" by Claire Chambers is a collection of insightful essays that traverse the intersections of literature, culture, and identity. Through a nuanced exploration of diverse literary works, Chambers...
With striking new artwork to celebrate the Roald Dahl 100 celebrations and a keepsake slipcase featuring Quentin Blake's iconic illustrations, this 16-book collection brings together all the classic children's novels...
"Sadie" by Courtney Summers is a gripping novel that delves deep into the complexities of loss, justice, and the resilience of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a...
Safar Naseeb (سفر نصیب) by Mukhtar Masood is a literary masterpiece that takes readers on a poignant journey of self-reflection, destiny, and the human experience. The book intricately combines personal...
Sapiens - بنده بشر: انسان کا ماضی سال اور مقبل by Yuval Noah Harari is a thought-provoking exploration of the history of humankind, tracing the evolution of Homo sapiens from...
Amy Lea's "Set On You" is a captivating tale of love and resilience, weaving together the lives of two unlikely souls amidst the bustling streets of New York City. Lea's...