A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber is the much-anticipated sequel to her critically acclaimed book "Once Upon a Broken Heart". Set in the same magical universe as the...
"A Suitable Boy: A Novel (Modern Classics)" by Vikram Seth is a sweeping, epic narrative set in post-independence India, exploring the lives of four extended families over 18 months. At...
In "Aurora Burning," the second installment of The Aurora Cycle series penned by acclaimed authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, readers are thrust into an electrifying interstellar adventure brimming with...
"Beautiful Graves" by L.J. Shen invites readers into a world of dark secrets, forbidden desires, and haunting mysteries. In this gripping romantic thriller, Shen masterfully weaves together elements of romance...
"Bind Me" by Anna Zaires delves into the captivating world of romance, passion, and desire, delivering a thrilling tale that will leave readers breathless. In this sizzling contemporary romance, Zaires...
Blood of My Monster: A Dark Mafia Romance (Monster Trilogy Book 1) I’m out for revenge. He’s out to rule the world.Kirill and I are as different as day and...
"Bright We Burn" by Kiersten White is a gripping historical novel that completes the thrilling and darkly captivating "Conqueror's Saga" trilogy. Set in the tumultuous world of 15th century Eastern...
"By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept" by Paulo Coelho is a poignant tale of love, forgiveness, and spiritual awakening. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque River...
"Circling The Sun" by Paula McLain invites readers on a captivating journey through the life of Beryl Markham, a remarkable woman who defied societal norms and soared to unprecedented heights...
"Cassandra Clare's 'City of Bones' is the captivating first installment in the 'Mortal Instruments' series, introducing readers to the mystical realm of Shadowhunters, demons, and a secret world concealed within...
"Cassandra Clare's 'Clockwork Prince,' the second installment in 'The Infernal Devices' series, delves deeper into the intricacies of love, loyalty, and betrayal amidst the backdrop of a fantastical Victorian London....
Crazy Rich Asians: A Novel by Kevin Kwan takes readers on a whirlwind journey into the extravagant world of Asia's ultra-wealthy elite. Through the eyes of Rachel Chu, an American-born...
"Destroy Me," the first installment of the "Shatter Me" series by Tahereh Mafi, thrusts readers into a gripping dystopian world teetering on the brink of collapse. Mafi intricately crafts a...
Flawless by Elsie Silver Genre: Contemporary RomanceSeries: Chestnut Springs, Book #1 Synopsis:Flawless is the first book in the Chestnut Springs series by Elsie Silver, introducing a captivating small-town romance set...
God of Fury: Legacy of Gods, Book 5 I’m not attracted to men.Or so I thought before I slammed into Nikolai Sokolov.A mafia heir, a notorious bastard, and a violent...
God of Malice: A Dark College Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 1) I caught the attention of a monster.I didn’t ask for it.Didn’t even see it coming.But the moment I...
God of Pain: A Grumpy Sunshine College Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 2) I made a terrible mistake.Being a mafia princess, I knew my fate was already decided.But I went...
Haalim by Nimra Ahmed is a captivating Urdu novel known for its intricate plotlines and deep character development. Set in a contemporary Pakistani backdrop, it weaves together elements of mystery,...