"Aalmi Tehzeebon Ki Dastan" by Edward McNall Burns, translated into Urdu by Muhammad Arshad Razi, offers a sweeping narrative of world civilizations, tracing their evolution, interactions, and contributions to humanity's...
Azad Jammu & Kashmir, authored by Javaid Hayyat-Oxford, offers a thorough exploration of the region's history, culture, and geopolitical significance. With meticulous research and engaging writing, the book provides readers...
In "Cadet Colleges Admission Guide," authored by Khawar Mahmood, prospective cadets are provided with a comprehensive handbook to navigate the challenging process of gaining admission to cadet colleges. The guide...
Mutala Pakistan Class XII By Subhan Khan Sharwarni is an educational resource designed to provide comprehensive coverage of Pakistan Studies for students at the twelfth-grade level. Authored by Subhan Khan...