Sociological Theory (10th Edition) by George Ritzer is a comprehensive guide that explores key sociological theories and the thinkers behind them, providing a thorough understanding of classical, modern, and contemporary...
"Sociological Theory, 9th Edition by George Ritzer and Jeff Stepnisky delves into the fundamental theories that shape our understanding of society. This comprehensive textbook explores the evolution of sociological thought...
The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy, edited by Jonathan Rée and J.O. Urmson, is an essential reference that distills the rich history of Western philosophical thought into an accessible and...
The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK is a beautifully illustrated and accessible guide to the world’s most influential literary works, spanning centuries and genres. As part of...
"The Sociology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained" by DK, with contributions from Sarah Tomley and Mitchell Hobbs, presents an accessible and engaging overview of key sociological theories and concepts. Part...
Truth: A Brief History of Total Bullsh*t by Tom Phillips (Author) delves into the intriguing exploration of falsehoods throughout human history. Phillips navigates through the labyrinthine paths of deception, offering...