In "Comparative Political System" by Muhammad Asif Malik-Emporium, readers are presented with a succinct yet comprehensive analysis of various political systems worldwide. The book navigates through the intricacies of governance...
"How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt is a thought-provoking exploration into the mechanisms that threaten democratic societies from within. Drawing on historical examples and contemporary case studies,...
Introduction to Global Politics (4th Edition) by Richard W. Mansbach provides a comprehensive exploration of the theories, history, and practice of global politics. The book is structured to help students...
In "Political Ideologies," Dr. Sultan Khan delves into the intricate web of political thought that has shaped Pakistan's trajectory since its inception. With a keen eye for historical nuance and...
Political Ideologies: An Introduction, 6th Edition by Andrew Heywood offers a comprehensive guide to understanding the wide array of political ideologies that have shaped societies worldwide. Heywood systematically explores the...
"Politics" by Andrew Heywood is a widely respected textbook that provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of political science. In its fourth edition, the book continues to offer clear...
World Order is a comprehensive exploration of global politics and diplomacy by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In this book, Kissinger examines the historical evolution of the concept...