In "Pakistan And The Geostrategic Environment," Hassan Askari Rizvi presents a comprehensive analysis of Pakistan's foreign policy within the context of its unique geostrategic position. Through meticulous examination, Rizvi navigates...
"Oxford Pakistan Foreign Policy for CSS PMS PCS & Other Exams" by Abdul Sattar is an authoritative guide that meticulously dissects Pakistan's foreign policy landscape, tailored for aspirants of competitive...
"Political Systems (Developing) Pakistan India For BS" by Dr. Sultan Khan offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolving political landscapes of Pakistan and India, with a keen focus on their...
In "Principles of Pakistani Society for Class XII" by Muhammad Asif Malik-AHP, the intricacies of Pakistani societal norms and values are expounded upon, offering a comprehensive insight into the fabric...
"Social and Political Concerns in Pakistan and India by ANJUM ALTAF" delves into the intricate fabric of societal and political dynamics within the two South Asian nations, offering a nuanced...
"Standard History of Pakistan (Since 1947) by Prof. Sh. Muhammad Rafique" is a comprehensive chronicle meticulously crafted to illuminate the intricate tapestry of Pakistan's evolution since its inception. Authored by...
Christophe Jaffrelot's "The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience" provides a nuanced and comprehensive analysis of Pakistan's complex political landscape. Jaffrelot explores the dual themes of instability and resilience that have...
"The Struggle for Pakistan: A Muslim Homeland and Global Politics" by Ayesha Jalal offers a profound exploration of Pakistan's historical and political landscape, examining its emergence as a nation within...
In "Turmoil: Events in Afghanistan, South Asia, Middle East, Ukraine and Pakistan," Asif Durrani delves into the complex geopolitical landscape of these regions, offering a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing...
"United States and Pakistan in the 21st Century: Geostrategy and Geopolitics in South Asia" by Syed Tahseen Raza delves into the intricate dynamics shaping the bilateral relationship between the United...