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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items

English Grammar & Composition: A Textbook of Class 9th, 10th - PTB (Punjab Textbook Board) is a foundational resource for students in Pakistan, specifically designed to meet the curriculum requirements...


English Grammar & Composition: A Textbook Of

Class 12 Books (Punjab Textbook Board)ALL COURCES INCLUDING MEDICAL FSC I.COM ICS Tarjuma-tul-Quran-ul-Majeed Translation of the Quran, covering essential lessons and meanings for students. Human Geography (Insani Geography) Study of...



Punjab Textbooks Of Class 11 - PTB

The Punjab Textbook Board (PTB) offers a range of textbooks for Class 8 that cover various subjects including religious, language, science, arts, and technical education. The curriculum aims to provide...


Punjab Textbooks Of Class 8th - PTB