The Criminology of White-Collar Crime, edited by Sally S. Simpson and David Weisburd, provides a comprehensive examination of the complexities surrounding white-collar crime and its significant implications for society. This...
"The Crisis of Islamic Civilization" by Ali A. Allawi is a profound examination of the challenges facing Islamic societies in the modern world. Allawi, drawing on his extensive knowledge of...
"The Cuckoo's Calling: A Cormoran Strike Novel" by Robert Galbraith (a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling) is a captivating mystery that introduces private detective Cormoran Strike. When supermodel Lula Landry falls...
The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids by Ryan Holiday offers parents a year’s worth of wisdom to guide them through the challenges and joys...
The Dark Side of Japan: Ancient Black Magic, Folklore, Ritual by Antony Cummins delves into the lesser-known aspects of Japanese culture, focusing on its ancient practices, dark folklore, and the...
The Dawn Angiosperms: Uncovering the Origin of Flowering Plants by Xin Wang offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolutionary origins and development of angiosperms, the group of plants that produce...
The Dead Zone: A Novel Stephen King's #1 bestseller about a reluctant clairvoyant who must weigh his options when he suddenly sees the terrible future awaiting mankind."There was only blackness and...
The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy by Stephanie Kelton presents a transformative perspective on economics, challenging conventional wisdom about government spending, budget deficits,...
The Developing Mind: How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are by Daniel J. Siegel explores the intricate relationship between interpersonal connections and brain development. Siegel integrates...
The Devil's Disciple by George Bernard Shaw The Devil's Disciple is a 1959 British-American film adaptation of the 1897 George Bernard Shaw play The Devil's Disciple. The Anglo-American film was...
The Digital Humanities and Literary Studies (The Literary Agenda) by Martin Paul Eve offers a comprehensive exploration of how digital technologies are transforming the field of literary studies. This book,...
"The Earth Transformed: An Untold History" by Peter Frankopan is a sweeping examination of the relationship between human history and environmental change. Here are 10 key points summarizing the book's...
The Ecological Genomics of Fungi by Francis Martin provides an in-depth exploration of the intersection between ecology and genomics within the fungal kingdom. This groundbreaking work delves into the genetic...
"The Ecology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK (Author)" is a comprehensive exploration into the intricate web of relationships that define our planet's ecological systems. Authored by DK, renowned...
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes critically analyzes the economic ramifications of the Treaty of Versailles, which concluded World War I. Written in 1919, Keynes argues...
The Economics of International Integration, 4th Edition by Peter Robson provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic implications of globalization and regional integration. This updated edition explores the dynamics of...
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Global Edition 13th Edition A unified framework for understanding financial marketsThe Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets bringsa fresh perspective to today’s...
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials) The measure of the executive, Peter F. Drucker reminds us, is the ability to "get the...
The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure, 1st Edition by Robert G. Bartle is a foundational text that provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of integration and measure, specifically...
The Emergence of Bangladesh by Wayne Wilcox is a comprehensive analysis of the political, social, and historical factors that led to the birth of Bangladesh as an independent nation. The...