The "Concise World Atlas 7th Edition" by Simon Mumford is a comprehensive and visually engaging reference book that provides updated geographical information and detailed maps of the world. This edition...
"DK World War II: The Definitive Visual History" by Richard Holmes, with contributions from Ann Kramer, is a comprehensive and visually captivating account of World War II. This definitive guide...
"Europe Since Napoleon For CSS PMS PCS" by David Thomson presents a comprehensive analysis of Europe's tumultuous history from the Napoleonic era to the modern day, catering specifically to the...
Mastering Kotlin: A Beginner's Guide by Sufyan Bin Uzayr is an introductory text aimed at helping newcomers to Kotlin, a modern programming language developed by JetBrains. This guide provides a...
"Pakistan Studies (UM) For Class XII-Al Mughani Books" offers a concise yet comprehensive study material tailored for students in the twelfth grade. This resource covers the essential aspects of Pakistan's...
The Outliner Pakistan Affairs Plus (Book 2) Author: Waseem Riaz KhanPublisher: Jahangir World TimesFor: CSS, PMS, and other competitive exams Overview The Outliner Pakistan Affairs Plus (Book 2) by Waseem...
World History: The Basics by Peter N. Stearns is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the key concepts, events, and themes of world history. This book provides a clear and...