"Circe" by Madeline Miller is a captivating retelling of the mythological figure Circe, a powerful witch from Homer's "Odyssey." The novel delves into Circe's journey from her troubled youth among...
The Classical Poetry KM Excellent Guide offers comprehensive notes and insights into classical poetry, specifically curated for BS English students. This guide covers the essential themes, poets, forms, and historical...
The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK is a beautifully illustrated and accessible guide to the world’s most influential literary works, spanning centuries and genres. As part of...
"The Odyssey," translated by Emily Wilson, portrays the epic journey of Odysseus as he strives to return home after the Trojan War. Homer's timeless narrative navigates through encounters with gods...
"The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller is a captivating retelling of the legendary Greek myth of Achilles, focusing on his intimate relationship with Patroclus. Through lyrical prose and meticulous...
"Ulysses" by James Joyce, a cornerstone of modernist literature, delves into the minutiae of a single day in Dublin through the eyes of its protagonist, Leopold Bloom. Set against the...