"Mathematics and Its History" offers an insightful journey through the intricate tapestry of mathematical concepts intertwined with their historical context. Authored by John Stillwell, this esteemed text, now in its...
Misali Islamiyat: BS 4 Years ADA, ADS, ADP by Idrees Lodhi and Amir Khan Aqeel is a comprehensive textbook tailored for students enrolled in Islamic Studies for BS, ADA, ADS,...
Misali Islamiyat: BS 4 Years ADA, ADS, ADP by Idrees Lodhi and Amir Khan Aqeel is a comprehensive textbook tailored for students enrolled in Islamic Studies for BS, ADA, ADS,...
Radiology Emergency Medicine by Malik Muhammad Awais and Hassan Awaan is a comprehensive guide designed specifically for DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) students. The book provides an in-depth exploration of...
Schaum's 3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus (Schaum's Outlines) 1st Edition Facing Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's. More than 40 million students have...
Master the intricacies of multivariate calculus with the comprehensive solution manual authored by Z.R. Bhatti and published by ILMI. Tailored for BS programs, this manual provides step-by-step solutions to exercises...
Master the intricacies of Discrete Mathematics with the comprehensive Solutions Manual authored by Z.R. Bhatti and published by ILMI. Tailored for BS Mathematics, BS Computer Science, and BS Software Engineering...