Camp Jupiter, a hidden sanctuary for demigods, stands as a bastion of safety and training for those with divine parentage. Under the pen of Rick Riordan, this clandestine Roman camp...
"Percy Jackson: Complete Series" by Rick Riordan is a captivating collection of fantasy novels that follows the adventures of Percy Jackson, a demigod son of Poseidon, as he navigates the...
"The Last Olympian" is the thrilling conclusion to the epic saga of Percy Jackson and the Olympians penned by the master storyteller Rick Riordan. In this climactic installment, readers are...
"The Son of Neptune" by Rick Riordan is the second book in the Heroes of Olympus series, a thrilling continuation of the adventures in the world of Percy Jackson. This...
In "The Trials Of Apollo The Burning Maze" by Rick Riordan, readers are plunged into a riveting adventure through the world of Greek mythology, where the fallen god Apollo must...