"Buri Aurat Ki Doosri Katha" by Kishwar Naheed is a poignant exploration of the female experience, challenging societal norms and patriarchal constructs through poetry. Naheed's verses delve into the complexities...
"Buri Aurat Ki Katha" by Kishwar Naheed is a poignant narrative that delves into the complexities of womanhood, societal expectations, and the struggle for autonomy. Through the protagonist's journey, Naheed...
"In 'Insurgent' by Veronica Roth, the gripping sequel to the dystopian thriller 'Divergent', readers are plunged back into a world torn by factions and rebellion. Tris Prior, grappling with the...
"The Last Queen" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a poignant historical novel that traces the life of Rani Jindan Kaur, the last queen of Punjab, through the tumultuous era of...