Dr. Mubarak Ali's "AAhd E Wusta Ka Hindustan Volume Two" offers an in-depth exploration of medieval India, focusing on the cultural, social, and political dynamics of the era. The book...
"Andheri Raat Ke Musafir" by Naseem Hijazi, published by Jahangir Books, is a gripping historical novel that delves into the tumultuous events of the Mughal era, particularly during the reign...
In "Political and Cultural History of Muslim Spain," authors Muhammad Sohail Bhatti and Dr. Rasheed Ahmad Shibli delve into the rich tapestry of Spain's past under Muslim rule, offering a...
Islam, as elucidated in Muhammad Hameed Ullah's translated work by Aliyah Khan, is a profound and comprehensive way of life encapsulating spiritual, social, and moral dimensions. It serves as a...