"Bad Mermaids" by Sibéal Pounder invites readers into a whimsical underwater world brimming with adventure, humor, and a dash of mischief. In this delightful children's fiction tale, Pounder crafts a...
In "Badlo Soch Badlo Zindagi," Maulana Wahiduddin Khan presents a transformative approach to life through the lens of altering one's mindset. Through profound insights and practical wisdom, the book guides...
"BAHAR UL FASAHAT – 5 VOL بحر الفصاحت ۔ 5 جلدیں" by Molvi Najam ul Ghani Rampuri is a profound linguistic masterpiece that spans across 5 volumes, each intricately woven...
"Bahishti Zevar" by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi is a comprehensive Islamic guide, primarily focused on the religious and social duties of Muslim women. Written in a clear and accessible style,...
Bakht - بخت by Mehr Un Nisa Shah Mir is a captivating narrative that weaves together themes of fate, love, and personal growth against the backdrop of societal expectations. The...
"Bal E Jibreel" is a philosophical and spiritual Urdu poetry collection by the renowned poet-philosopher Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal. It reflects his profound insights into various facets of human existence,...
Ballenger's Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, now in its 18th edition, stands as a cornerstone in the field of otolaryngology, revered for its comprehensive coverage and authoritative insights. Authored by...
"Balochistan: A Conflict of Narratives" by Fida Hussain Malik delves into the intricate layers of the tumultuous region, exploring the divergent perspectives and contested histories that underpin the ongoing conflict....
In "Bandh Darwaza Ki Cheekhein," Kishwar Naheed explores the nuanced layers of societal restrictions and the stifled voices of women in a patriarchal framework. Through vivid imagery and poignant storytelling,...
"Bar E Sagheer Mein Urdu Novel" by Khalid Ashraf is a comprehensive exploration of the rich history of Urdu novels in the Indian subcontinent. Beginning with a detailed overview of...
In "Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life," William Finnegan invites readers on an exhilarating journey through his lifelong obsession with surfing. Spanning decades and continents, Finnegan's memoir delves into the physical...
"Baridgar Teen Novalt Teen Afsanay" by Ikram Ullah is a collection of three distinct narratives that delve into the intricacies of human emotions, societal dynamics, and personal growth. Through compelling...
Barron's ACT Study Guide Premium: 6 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's ACT Prep) Sixth Edition by Brian Stewart M.Ed. is a comprehensive resource designed to help...
"Barron's IELTS Practice Exams 2nd Edition" authored by Dr. Lin Lougheed is a comprehensive preparatory resource tailored to assist individuals aiming to excel in the International English Language Testing System...
"Barron's IELTS: International English Language Testing System 4th Edition" by Lin Lougheed is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals prepare for the IELTS exam. With its structured approach and...
"Barron's SAT (Barron's Test Prep), 29th Edition" by Sharon Weiner is a comprehensive and trusted resource designed to prepare students for the SAT exam. This edition incorporates thorough content review,...
Barron's SAT Subject Test Chemistry 13th Edition by Joseph A. Mascetta M.S. and Mark Kernion M.A. is a comprehensive study guide designed to help students prepare effectively for the SAT...
"Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 Tenth Edition" authored by Richard Ku M.A. and Howard P. Dodge M.A. is an essential resource designed to help students excel in the...
"Barron's SAT Subject Test Physics, 2nd Edition" by Robert Jansen and Greg Young is a comprehensive guide designed to help students prepare for the SAT Subject Test in Physics. This...
"Barron's SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1, Sixth Edition" by Ira K. Wolf, Ph.D., is an authoritative and comprehensive guide aimed at helping students excel in the SAT Math Level...