"Smith and Aitkenhead's Textbook of Anaesthesia 7th Edition" edited by Jonathan Thompson, Iain Moppett, and Matthew Wiles is a leading reference in the field of anaesthesia, offering a comprehensive and...
In the immersive world of "Smoke In The Sun" by Renée Ahdieh, readers are transported to feudal Japan, where political intrigue, forbidden love, and the complexities of honor collide. As...
Snack Foods Processing 1st Edition by Edmund W. Lusas and Lloyd W. Rooney offers an in-depth exploration of the science, technology, and processes behind snack food manufacturing. This book provides...
"Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work" by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare offers a chilling exploration into the world of corporate psychopathy. Drawing on extensive research and...
"Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy, 8th Edition" by Ryan Splittgerber is an authoritative and comprehensive textbook that provides an in-depth understanding of neuroanatomy with a strong focus on clinical relevance. This edition...
Snow Optics by Alexander Kokhanovsky provides a detailed examination of the optical properties of snow, focusing on the interaction between light and snow particles. The book explores the physical principles...
Soch Vichar (سوچ وچار) by Dr. Syed Akhtar Jafri is a reflective work that delves into the realms of thought, philosophy, and introspection. The book explores various aspects of human...
Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking, 2nd Edition by Christopher Hadnagy is an insightful exploration into the techniques and principles of social engineering, focusing on the psychological aspects of...
Social Marketing by Lynne Eagle, Stephan Dahl, Susie Hill, Sara Bird, Fiona Spotswood, and Alan Tapp offers a thorough and insightful exploration of social marketing principles, practices, and strategies aimed...
Social Problems, 14th Edition by D. Stanley Eitzen and Maxine Baca Zinn provides a comprehensive examination of contemporary social issues affecting societies globally. This edition analyzes various social problems such...
Social Psychology - معاشرتی نفسیات by Tariq Mehmood Mughal is a comprehensive book that explores the dynamics of human behavior within social contexts. This book delves into the intricacies of...
"Social Psychology" by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert, and Samuel R. Sommers presents a comprehensive exploration of the principles and applications of social psychology. This 10th edition...
"Social Psychology" by David G. Myers provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, theories, and applications of social psychology. With engaging writing and contemporary examples, this edition offers readers a...
Social Psychology and Human Nature by Roy F. Baumeister and Brad J. Bushman offers a comprehensive and accessible exploration of social psychology, examining the ways in which our thoughts, feelings,...
In "Social Psychology for BS ADA," Hummera Malik provides a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics between individuals and their social environments. Drawing on her expertise in behavioral analysis and...
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by W. Lawrence Neuman is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that provides an in-depth introduction to the various research methods used in the...
"Social Science" by Shahzad Mahmood, in its 2nd Edition and part of the Topper Series, is tailored for students enrolled in SSCI 106 courses for ADA, ADS, and BS programs....