In "Political Ideologies," Dr. Sultan Khan delves into the intricate web of political thought that has shaped Pakistan's trajectory since its inception. With a keen eye for historical nuance and...
"Psychology MCQs For BA BSc CSS" published by Emporium and curated by experienced teachers is a valuable resource tailored to meet the diverse needs of students and candidates preparing for...
"Statistical Theory & Methods for Degree Classes Vol. II" by Afzal Beg, published by Caravan, serves as a fundamental resource for students pursuing degree programs BA BSc in statistics. Building...
"Target Anwar E Islamiyat" co-authored by Dr. Maqbol Hassan Gillani and Prof. Chadary Muhammad Hanif, is an essential resource tailored for students pursuing Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of...
"To The Point Short Notes On A Selection Of Short Stories & One Act Plays For BA By Aftab Ahmad" offers concise and focused notes on a curated selection of...
"To The Point The Art of Precis Writing For BA BSC CSS PMS By Aftab Ahmad" offers a concise and practical guide to mastering the art of precis writing, tailored...