In "Alexander The Great" by Rob Shone & Anita Ganeri, readers are taken on an engaging journey through the life and conquests of one of history's most legendary figures. This...
In "Ali Manzil (VP Singh Ki Haveli Say Ali Manzil Tak Ka Safar)" by Shakir Hussain Shakir, the journey unfolds from the historical Haveli of VP Singh to the illustrious...
"Alif" by Umera Ahmed is a profound and thought-provoking novel that intricately weaves together themes of spirituality, self-discovery, and the contrasting worlds of fame and faith. The narrative revolves around...
In "Almiya Tareekh" (Global History) by Dr. Mubarak Ali, readers are introduced to a comprehensive overview of world history that traverses through various epochs, civilizations, and cultures. Dr. Ali meticulously...
"Beginning Postmodernism" by Tim Woods offers a comprehensive exploration into one of the most influential and controversial movements in contemporary thought and culture. In this eagerly awaited second edition, Woods...
In "Confess," Colleen Hoover delves into the intricacies of love, art, and the power of confession. Set against the backdrop of a mysterious art gallery, the story follows the intertwining...
Mustansar Hussain Tarar's "Cuba Kahani" is a captivating travelogue that delves into the vibrant culture, history, and landscapes of Cuba. Through vivid storytelling and keen observation, Tarar paints a vivid...
"Explore the rich tapestry of human history through a curated selection of 1000 objects, each telling a unique story from civilizations across the globe." Key Points: 1. Diverse Cultural Artifacts...
"Khaka Zani" by Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad Virk is a profound exploration of the art and technique of caricature drawing. The book delves into the history, styles, and methodologies of creating...
Secret Societies by Nick Harding delves into the clandestine world of covert organizations, exploring their histories, rituals, and influence on society. Harding unravels the mysteries surrounding these groups, shedding light...
Taleemat-e-Islami: Islamiat Lazmi for Class 10 by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Imran is an essential textbook designed specifically for tenth-grade students studying Islamic education. This comprehensive guide covers fundamental teachings and...
"The Nine Lives of Pakistan: Dispatches from a Divided Nation" by Declan Walsh offers a nuanced exploration of Pakistan's multifaceted identity through vivid journalistic dispatches. Walsh, an experienced correspondent, delves...
"DK History Year By Year" is a comprehensive guide that takes readers on a journey through the history of the world, from the earliest human civilizations to the digital age....
World History: The Basics by Peter N. Stearns is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the key concepts, events, and themes of world history. This book provides a clear and...