In "History of the Modern World 1500-2013," B V Rao delves into the intricate tapestry of global history, spanning from the dawn of the Renaissance to the complexities of the...
In "Islami Hikmat E Hayat," Dr. Idrees Lodhi-Albadar presents a profound exploration of Islamic wisdom and its application in everyday life. Drawing from his extensive knowledge of Islamic teachings and...
Khakam Badahan By Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi is a celebrated work of Urdu literature that showcases the author's wit, humor, and profound insight into the human condition. Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi, known...
"Khuda Ki Dariafat" by Maulana Waheed Ud Din Khan is a profound exploration of the concept of God and the quest for divine understanding. The book delves into philosophical, spiritual,...
"Winners Take All" by Anand Giridharadas is a critical examination of how the global elite, under the guise of philanthropy and social responsibility, perpetuate systemic inequality while preserving their own...