"A Manual on Clinical Surgery" by S Das is a comprehensive guide for medical students, interns, and junior doctors to understand the fundamentals of clinical surgery. This 15th edition is...
Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619 With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 10th Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise solutions to MCQs,...
Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619 With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 11thth Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise solutions to MCQs,...
Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619 With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 12th Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise solutions to MCQs,...
Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619 With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 9th Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise solutions to MCQs,...
"Assistance Key to UOS 4th Year DPT Students: Solved Papers, MCQs, SEQs, LEQs" by Dr. Abdullah Akhtar, Dr Isna Sheraz and Dr. Muhammad Hassan Raza is a comprehensive guide specifically...
Assistance Key To UOS Final Year DPT With Solved SEQs MCQs LEQs 7th Edition by Dr. Isna Sheraz, Dr. Abdullah Akhtar, and Dr. Muhammad Hassan Raza is a comprehensive resource...
Assistance Key To UOS Solved Papers for 1st Year DPT 7th Edition by Dr. Isna Sheraz, Dr. Abdullah Akhtar, and Dr. M Hassan Raza, published by Zubair Book Depot, is...
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques by Kim S. Suvarna, Christopher Layton, and John D. Bancroft is a comprehensive guide that covers the principles, methods, and applications of histological...
Big Book of PPSC Solved Papers (Latest Papers Included) by Jahangir's World Times (JWT) is a comprehensive study guide designed to help candidates preparing for the Punjab Public Service Commission...
BLOCK-4 Medico Express For 2nd Year MBBS Authors: Hunzala Siddiq Khan, Dr. Fatima NasirModules Covered: Module 6: GIT and Nutrition 1 Module 7: Renal 1Category: Medical, MBBS Study GuideSuitable For:...
"BLOCK-5 Medico Express: Endocrinology & Reproduction Module, Head & Neck Module for 2nd Year MBBS" is a specialized textbook designed for medical students preparing for their second-year MBBS examinations. This...
"CA Rise PRC-01 Business Writing and Comprehension Skills Practice Manual" is a comprehensive guide designed to enhance the business writing and comprehension skills of CA students. Published by CA Rise,...
The RISE CAF - 03 Cost and Management Accounting Study Text is an essential resource for students pursuing the Certificate in Accounting and Finance (CAF). Authored by Adnan Rasheed, this...
The "CAF - 06 Managerial and Financial Analysis Study Text" by ICAP is a comprehensive guide designed for accounting and finance students preparing for ICAP exams. Here are 5 key...
The "CAF - 07 Company Law Study Text" by ICAP is an authoritative resource designed to help accounting and finance students understand the legal framework of corporate operations. Here are...
CAF-01: A Handbook of Financial Accounting & Reporting - I, 14th Edition by Prof Nasir Abbas and Prof Mirza Ali Hassan is an essential resource for students pursuing a Certificate...
The CAF-04 Business Law Study Text is an essential study guide designed for students pursuing the Certificate in Accounting & Finance (CAF) through the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan...
The CAF-1 Financial Accounting and Reporting-I Study Text is a foundational study resource for students enrolled in the Certificate in Accounting & Finance (CAF) program offered by the Institute of...
The CAF-02 Tax Practice Question Bank is a meticulously curated resource for students preparing for the CAF-02 Taxation exam as part of the Certificate in Accounting & Finance (CAF) program...