Theory Of Automata (PM Series) 2nd Edition By C M Aslam -MBD
- Availability: In Stock
- SKU: 44971
- Number of Pages: 558
Tags: academic books for computer science , academic resources for automata , and automata theory for students. , AQSA ASLAM , automata and computation , automata applications , automata case studies , automata exercises , automata problem-solving , automata theory , automata theory syllabus , automata tutorials , C M ASLAM , Chomsky Normal Form , Church-Turing thesis , closure properties , compiler design , computability theory , computational models , computational theory , computer science textbook , context-free grammars , context-free languages , decidability , decision problems , deterministic finite automata , DFA , finite automata , formal languages , Greibach Normal Form , HAFIZ SAEED AHMAD , Kleene theorem , MAJEED BOOK DEPOT , MAJEED SONS , Makrabah Danyal , MBD , MBD publications , minimization techniques , MUDASSIR AHMAD , NFA , non-deterministic finite automata , P vs NP problem , PM SERIES , PM series books , pushdown automata , regular expressions , regular languages , text processing , theoretical computer science , Theory of Automata , Turing machines
"Theory of Automata (PM Series) 2nd Edition" by C. M. Aslam is a comprehensive textbook designed for computer science students, specifically those focusing on the subject of automata theory. The book delves into the foundational concepts and principles of automata theory, formal languages, and computational theory, providing a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of computer science. Published by MBD (Makrabah Danyal), this edition is updated with new examples, explanations, and exercises to cater to the academic needs of students.
Key Features:
Introduction to Automata Theory:
- Offers a clear introduction to the fundamentals of automata theory, including deterministic and non-deterministic automata.
Finite Automata:
- Explains the concepts of finite automata (FA), deterministic finite automata (DFA), and non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) with practical applications.
Regular Languages and Expressions:
- Discusses regular languages, regular expressions, and the Kleene theorem, providing examples to demonstrate their significance in computing.
Context-Free Languages and Grammars:
- Covers the concepts of context-free languages (CFLs) and grammars, including Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form.
Pushdown Automata:
- Introduces the pushdown automaton (PDA) model, which is essential for understanding context-free languages and their computational models.
Turing Machines:
- Delves into the theoretical concept of Turing machines, explaining their role as universal models of computation and their significance in solving decision problems.
Computability and Decidability:
- Explores the topics of computability theory, decision problems, and the Church-Turing thesis, providing insight into what can and cannot be computed.
Advanced Topics in Automata Theory:
- Covers more advanced topics such as closure properties of automata, minimization techniques, and the P vs NP problem.
Applications of Automata Theory:
- Discusses real-world applications of automata theory in fields like compiler design, text processing, and artificial intelligence.
Exercises and Case Studies:
- Includes exercises, case studies, and real-world problem-solving tasks to enhance students' understanding and application of automata theory.
"Theory of Automata (PM Series) 2nd Edition" by C. M. Aslam is an essential guide for students pursuing studies in computer science and computational theory. It offers a well-rounded approach to automata theory, from basic to advanced concepts, and serves as a valuable resource for academic courses, exams, and practical applications.
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Writer ✤ C M Aslam, Aqsa Aslam, Mudassir Ahmad, Saeed Amad