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A Text Book Of EVOLUTION BS MS M Phil Dr Nazir Ahmad Riaz Ul Haq Ramay

  • Publisher: IMTIAZ BOOK DEPOT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 55603
  • Number of Pages: 216



Tags: A Text Book Of EVOLUTION , A TextBook Of EVOLUTION , academic resource for evolutionary biology , academic resource in evolution , ADP , ADS , AJK And All other cities of Pakistan , Animal Behavior , Animal Biology , Animal Physiology , Biodiversity Studies , biological evolution , BS , BS 4 Year , BS 4 Year Zoology , BS zoology , BSC , Doctor Master Success , Doctor Master Successs , Dr Nazir Ahmed , Dr Riaz Ul Haq Ramay , Dr. Nazir Ahmad , Easy Approach to Zoology , ecological niches , Ecology and Environment , ecology and evolution , Entomology , Evolution , evolution and natural environments , evolution education , evolution for BS students , evolution for MPhil students , evolution for MS students , evolution in modern biology , evolution of species , evolution research , evolution review questions , gene flow , genetic drift , Genetics in Zoology , history of evolutionary thought , human evolution , human evolutionary history , Invertebrate Zoology , Latest And Up-to-date , life history evolution , Marine Zoology , Master Success , Master Success Series , modern synthesis , molecular basis of evolution , molecular biology and evolution , Molecular Biology in Zoology , molecular evolution , MPhil zoology , MS zoology , MSC , Nazir Ahmad , paleontology , Paleozoology , Parasitology , phylogenetic trees , Review 2024-2025 , Revised & Up to dated , Riaz Ul Haq Ramay , speciation , speciation mechanisms , species evolution , Taxonomy and Classification , transitional fossils , Vertebrate Zoology , Wildlife Conservation , Zoology , zoology and evolution , Zoology Laboratory Techniques. , Zoology Research Methods

A Text Book of Evolution is a comprehensive academic resource designed for students pursuing BS, MS, and MPhil degrees in biological sciences, particularly Zoology. Authored by Dr. Nazir Ahmad and Dr. Riaz ul Haq Ramay, this textbook covers the fundamental principles and processes of evolution, from the origins of life to the complexities of natural selection, adaptation, and speciation. It provides detailed insights into evolutionary mechanisms, the history of evolutionary thought, and the impact of evolutionary theory on modern biology.

The book offers an in-depth analysis of evolutionary biology with a focus on the genetic, ecological, and paleontological aspects of the subject. It explores the evidence supporting evolutionary theory, such as the fossil record, molecular biology, and comparative anatomy, making it an essential guide for understanding the role of evolution in shaping biodiversity and life on Earth.

Key Features:

  1. Foundations of Evolutionary Biology:

    • Introduces the history of evolutionary thought, from early ideas to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, and modern developments in the field.
  2. Mechanisms of Evolution:

    • Detailed explanation of key processes such as mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, and natural selection, which drive evolutionary change.
  3. Adaptation and Natural Selection:

    • Discusses how organisms adapt to their environments through natural selection and how this process leads to the evolution of species over time.
  4. Speciation and Evolutionary Trees:

    • Explains the formation of new species (speciation) and the use of phylogenetic trees to study evolutionary relationships between different species.
  5. Molecular Evolution:

    • Focuses on the role of DNA, genes, and proteins in evolution, including how genetic changes accumulate over generations and influence species diversity.
  6. Paleontology and Fossil Evidence:

    • Covers the fossil record and its importance in providing evidence of past life forms and their evolutionary history, including transitional fossils.
  7. Evolutionary Ecology:

    • Explores how interactions between organisms and their environment drive evolutionary processes, including the evolution of behavior, life history traits, and ecological niches.
  8. Human Evolution:

    • Provides an overview of human evolution, from early hominids to modern humans, and the genetic, anatomical, and cultural factors involved.
  9. Contemporary Evolutionary Issues:

    • Discusses modern applications of evolutionary theory in areas such as medicine, conservation biology, and the study of emerging diseases.
  10. Review Questions and Case Studies:

    • Each chapter includes review questions, exercises, and case studies that help students apply evolutionary concepts and prepare for exams.


A Text Book of Evolution is an essential resource for BS, MS, and MPhil students studying Evolutionary Biology and Zoology. With a detailed exploration of evolutionary mechanisms, evidence, and modern applications, this textbook offers a solid foundation for understanding how evolutionary processes shape life on Earth. It is designed to provide students with the knowledge and tools necessary for conducting research and solving real-world problems related to biodiversity, conservation, and human health.

                                                       ════ ⋆★⋆ ═══

Writer                  ✤               Dr Nazir Ahmed, Dr. Riaz Ul Haq Ramay    

Publishers           ✤               IMTIAZ BOOK DEPOT

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