"Ulema In Politics For BS CSS" by Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi delves into the intricate relationship between religious scholars and political dynamics, particularly within the context of Pakistan. Through a comprehensive...
"United States and Pakistan in the 21st Century: Geostrategy and Geopolitics in South Asia" by Syed Tahseen Raza delves into the intricate dynamics shaping the bilateral relationship between the United...
"Untouchable: How Powerful People Get Away with It" by Elie Honig is a revealing exploration of the ways in which individuals in positions of power evade justice and accountability. Honig,...
"Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis" by Jared Diamond is a thought-provoking exploration of how nations navigate through and recover from profound crises. Drawing on a comparative analysis of...
War and Change in World Politics by Robert Gilpin is a significant contribution to the field of international relations, focusing on the complex interplay between war and political change in...
"Where Borders Bleed: An Insider's Account of Indo-Pak Relations" by Rajiv Dogra offers a deeply personal and analytical exploration of the complex and often contentious relationship between India and Pakistan....
Why Democracies Flounder and Fail: Remedying Mass Society Politics by Michael Haas provides an in-depth exploration of the systemic issues that undermine democratic systems in the modern era. The book...
Why Politics Fails by Ben Ansell provides a rigorous examination of the factors that contribute to political failure across different contexts. Ansell argues that the effectiveness of political systems hinges...
Women in the Qur'an: An Emancipatory Reading oday, the issue of Muslim women is held hostage between two perceptions: a conservative Islamic approach and a liberal Western approach. At the...
In "World Politics since 1945," Peter Calvocoressi presents an insightful analysis of the intricate web of international relations that have shaped our world since the end of World War II....
World Politics: Trend and Transformation 17th Edition by Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley is a comprehensive exploration of the constantly evolving landscape of global politics. This book delves...
World Politics: Trend and Transformation 18th Edition by Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley is a comprehensive exploration of the constantly evolving landscape of global politics. This book delves...
"The Making of A Frontier: ایک سرحد کی تشکیل" by Col. Retd. Ghulam Jilani Khan is a detailed narrative that explores the political, military, and cultural intricacies of establishing frontiers...