The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children by Maughn Rollins Gregory, Joanna Haynes, and Karin Murris is a comprehensive resource that explores the diverse and evolving field of philosophy...
"The Speech of the Birds" by Faridu'd-Din Attar, an influential Persian Sufi poet and mystic, is a profound allegorical masterpiece that explores the spiritual journey of the soul towards divine...
"The Ultimate Art of War" presents a comprehensive and accessible exploration of Sun Tzu's timeless teachings on strategy and warfare, brought to life through Antony Cummins' insightful analysis and step-by-step...
"The Words: The Autobiography Of Jean Paul Sartre" by Jean-Paul Sartre delves into the life and mind of one of the most influential philosophers and writers of the 20th century....
"The World's Great Philosophers" 1st Edition, edited by Robert L. Arrington, is an illuminating compilation that delves into the lives and ideas of some of the most influential thinkers in...
Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell (Author) is a thought-provoking collection that showcases the critical and unconventional perspectives of one of the 20th century's most influential philosophers. In this book, Bertrand...