In "Pakistan Affairs: An Analytical Approach," author Mukhtiar Ahmad presents a comprehensive exploration of the socio-political landscape of Pakistan through a critical lens. The book delves into the multifaceted dimensions...
"Islamiat Faridi MCQs For CSS PMS PCS" authored by A.R. Memon. This comprehensive guide offers a curated selection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) meticulously designed to prepare aspirants for CSS,...
"Everyday Science for CSS PMS PCS" authored by Prof. Shahab Imam offers a comprehensive and meticulously curated resource tailored specifically for aspirants preparing for the Central Superior Services (CSS), Provincial...
"Political Science For CSS PCS PMS" by Nasrullah Abbasi, published under the banner of MAKTABA-E-FARIDI, offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate nexus between politics and governance, tailored specifically for...