Sau Saal Baad (سو سال بعد) by Naseem Hijazi is a visionary and thought-provoking historical novel that imagines a future shaped by past events. Known for his masterful storytelling, Hijazi...
Swaadika: Safarnama Thailand (سوادیکا: سفرنامہ تھائی لینڈ) by Rao Athar Ikhlaq is a captivating travelogue that takes readers on an immersive journey through the beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture of...
Safar Dareechay (سفر دریچے) by Khalid Masood Khan is a poignant and introspective collection of essays and short stories that explore the themes of personal growth, reflection, and the search...
Safaid Jazeera (سفید جزیرہ) by Naseem Hijazi is a historical novel that delves into the intricate and often tumultuous history of the Crusades and the Islamic world during that period....
Sadbarg (صدبرگ) by Parveen Shakir is a collection of soulful poetry that explores themes of love, loss, and the beauty of human emotions. Parveen Shakir, known for her graceful expression...
Shamshaal Baimesaal (شمشال بے مثال) by Mustansar Hussain Tarar is a captivating novel that delves into the depths of human emotions, the complexities of relationships, and the beauty of life's...
Safar Sindh Kay 'Aur Sindh Behta Raha by Mustansar Hussain Tarar is a poignant travelogue that takes readers on a journey through the culturally rich and historically significant region of...
Safeer e Laila (Kulyat) (سفیر لیلیٰ) by Ali Akbar Natiq is a collection of poetry that resonates deeply with themes of love, longing, and existential reflections. The poet’s words capture...
Sahib-ul-Masnavi Maulana Jalal Ud Din Romi Ki Mufasil Mohaqqiqana Sawanih Omri by Qazi Talammuz Husain is a comprehensive scholarly work that delves into the life and teachings of the famous...
Safar Naseeb (سفر نصیب) by Mukhtar Masood is a literary masterpiece that takes readers on a poignant journey of self-reflection, destiny, and the human experience. The book intricately combines personal...
Safar ke Zaaichay (سفر کے زائچے) by Khalid Masood Khan is a captivating collection of literary works that reflects the author’s deep exploration of travel, its emotional dimensions, and its...
Shahr-e-Zaat (شہر ذات) by Umera Ahmed is a profound Urdu novel that explores the journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the quest for inner peace. The story revolves around the...
Shaheen (شاہین) by Naseem Hijazi is a captivating historical novel that explores the rich heritage, struggles, and triumphs of the Muslim world. Set during the era of Islamic empires, the...
Shahi Mahal (شاہی محل) by Mubarak Ali is a historical novel that transports readers to the opulent and intriguing world of royal courts and palaces. Set during the Mughal Empire,...
Shayad (شاید) by Jaun Elia is a celebrated collection of poetry that delves deeply into themes of love, despair, existential questioning, and the complexities of human emotions. Jaun Elia, one...
Patras Kay Mazameen by Ahmad Shah Bukhari, commonly known as Patras Bukhari, is a celebrated collection of humorous essays in Urdu. Known for his wit and satirical style, Bukhari’s work...
Sarak Ke Kinare (سڑک کے کنارے) by Saadat Hassan Manto is a collection of short stories that offers a stark, candid portrayal of human emotions, societal issues, and the complexities...
Soch Vichar (سوچ وچار) by Dr. Syed Akhtar Jafri is a reflective work that delves into the realms of thought, philosophy, and introspection. The book explores various aspects of human...
Sophie’s World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder is an engaging and thought-provoking novel that introduces readers to the major ideas and figures in Western philosophy...
Introduction:"Taboot E Sakina Ka Raaz" by Tauseef Aslam is an insightful exploration of the historical and spiritual significance of the Taboot-e-Sakina, which is associated with the mourning of Hazrat Imam...