"Bazgasht" by Bano Qudsia is a poignant tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of Pakistan's cultural landscape. This timeless masterpiece intricately weaves together the lives of...
"Bazam E Dervaish By Muhammad Abdullah Bhatti" is a captivating journey into the world of mysticism and spirituality, penned with eloquence and depth by the esteemed author. This profound exploration...
"Student Biology for Class XII by Khadiam Hussain, Shahid Salehri, G.M. Babar, Ayyaz Mahmood, and Ammara Azeem is a meticulously crafted textbook tailored to meet the academic needs of senior...
"Babar Biti Zamanay Jo Khwab Huway" by Babar Hassan Baharwana encapsulates a riveting narrative that traverses through the dreams and aspirations of its characters against the backdrop of time. Through...
In "Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nadamat" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the intricacies of human nature, morality, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of societal expectations and personal struggles, the...
"Bar E Sagheer Mein Urdu Novel" by Khalid Ashraf is a comprehensive exploration of the rich history of Urdu novels in the Indian subcontinent. Beginning with a detailed overview of...
"Baridgar Teen Novalt Teen Afsanay" by Ikram Ullah is a collection of three distinct narratives that delve into the intricacies of human emotions, societal dynamics, and personal growth. Through compelling...
"Awaz By Abdal Bela is a groundbreaking literary work that explores the depths of human emotion and societal dynamics through a collection of poignant poems. With exquisite language and profound...
In "Bandh Darwaza Ki Cheekhein," Kishwar Naheed explores the nuanced layers of societal restrictions and the stifled voices of women in a patriarchal framework. Through vivid imagery and poignant storytelling,...
In "Badshahat Ka Khatma" by Saadat Hasan Manto, the author delves into the multifaceted themes of power, corruption, and the human condition, painting a vivid portrayal of societal decay amidst...
In "Azadi Say Ghulami Tak Pakistan America Bunty Bigarty Taluqatt," Qayyum Nizami offers a poignant exploration of the complex relationship between Pakistan and America, tracing its evolution from a narrative...
The title "Azadi Ka Taveel Safar Nelson Mandela Khalid Mehmood Khan" encapsulates the enduring journey towards freedom undertaken by two iconic figures, Nelson Mandela and Khalid Mehmood Khan. Both individuals,...
Inayat Ullah's "Ayubi Ghaznavi Aur Muhammad Bin Qasim Pakistan Mein" is a comprehensive exploration of the historical narratives surrounding the figures of Ayubi Ghaznavi and Muhammad Bin Qasim within the...
"Ashiana Ghurbat Se By Ashian Dar Ashian Fateh" is a compelling narrative exploring the journey of resilience and triumph amidst adversity. Through poignant storytelling, it delves into the struggles and...
Arzang E Faqeer by Sarfraz A Shah is a profound work exploring the spiritual and mystical dimensions of Sufism. This book delves into the teachings and philosophies that guide seekers...
"Aqwal-E-Wasif Ali Wasif Ka Encyclopedia" by Wasif Ali Wasif is a comprehensive collection of the profound and enlightening sayings of Wasif Ali Wasif, a revered Pakistani writer, poet, and philosopher....
"Apni Shakhsiyat Aur Talent Pehchanyan" by Atif Mirza is a profound guide that aims to help individuals discover their true personalities and talents. The book offers insightful techniques and exercises...
Kalam E Shakir - کلامِ شاکر by Shakir Shuja Abadi is a profound collection of poetry that encapsulates the struggles, emotions, and philosophies of life in a deeply moving manner....
"Animal Farm," written by George Orwell and translated by Syed Alaudeen, is a timeless allegorical novella that serves as a powerful critique of the Russian Revolution and totalitarianism. Set on...
"Andheri Raat Ke Musafir" by Naseem Hijazi, published by Jahangir Books, is a gripping historical novel that delves into the tumultuous events of the Mughal era, particularly during the reign...