Explore the magical realm once more with "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" by J.K. Rowling. This thrilling sequel delves deeper into the wizarding world's history as Newt Scamander and...
In "Super You And The Hair Gel From Outer Space," Gordon Coutts crafts a whimsical tale blending sci-fi adventure with personal growth. When ordinary teenager Max stumbles upon a sentient...
"The Son of Neptune" by Rick Riordan is the second book in the Heroes of Olympus series, a thrilling continuation of the adventures in the world of Percy Jackson. This...
"Katt vs. Dogg" by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein, with illustrations by Anuki López, is an entertaining and humorous middle-grade novel that explores the age-old rivalry between cats and dogs....
"Up To Date Almi Waqfiyat Aama - عالمی واقفیت عامہ" by Shahid Mehmood Dogar is a comprehensive guide designed to help candidates prepare for various exams and interviews. Published by...
"DK Picturepedia: An Encyclopedia on Every Page" by DK is a visually stunning and informative encyclopedia designed to captivate readers of all ages. This comprehensive book covers a vast array...
"The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" by Agatha Christie is a classic Hercule Poirot mystery novel that captivates readers with its intricate plot and unexpected twists. Set in a quaint English...
"The Primrose Railway Children" by Jacqueline Wilson is a heartwarming tale set against the backdrop of a bustling railway station where three siblings, Rosy, Robbie, and Ruby, discover a hidden...
More Than A Prince By E D Baker is a captivating tale blending fantasy and reality, where a young prince discovers his true identity amidst magical adventures, unraveling the secrets...
"Monster Juice: Zits From Python Pit" by M.D. Payne, illustrated by Keith Zoo, is a humorous and adventurous children's book that follows the misadventures of a group of friends who...
"Kitty's Magic" by Ella Moonheart is a delightful children's book series that follows the enchanting adventures of a young girl named Kitty who discovers she has a magical ability to...
"Cars, Trains, Ships, and Planes: A Visual Encyclopedia of Every Vehicle," authored by DK with contributions from the Smithsonian Institution, is an extensive and visually captivating guide that explores the...
The Good, the Bad, and the Data by Sally Campbell Galman is an insightful and engaging exploration of the role of data in education and research. Galman, an experienced anthropologist...
Unstoppable Us: How Humans Took Over the World by Yuval Noah Harari is an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the journey that led humans to dominate the planet. Harari delves...
"What Was the Age of the Dinosaurs?" by Megan Stine delves into the captivating world of prehistoric creatures that once dominated the Earth millions of years ago. Megan Stine, known...
Puffin Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, with an introduction by Chris Riddell, is a classic novel that takes readers on a whimsical journey through the fantastical world of...
Trees Leaves Flowers And Seeds: A Visual Encyclopedia Of The Plant Kingdom by DK (Author) is a comprehensive reference book that offers a detailed exploration of plants through stunning visuals...
"Rebellion of Thieves (A Robyn Hoodlum Adventure)" by Kekla Magoon is an exhilarating middle-grade novel that reimagines the classic Robin Hood tale in a contemporary setting. The story follows Robyn...