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Organic Chemistry For Bsc And BS By Zia ur Rehman Amjad, Sajjad Ahmad

  • Publisher: IMTIAZ BOOK DEPOT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 13394



Tags: Analytical Chemistry , Biomolecules , BS , BS 4 Year , BS 4 YEARS , BS Chemistry , BSC , BSc chemistry , Chemical Bonding , Chemical Reactions , functional groups , Green Chemistry , Heterocyclic Compounds , hydrocarbons , Industrial Chemistry , Laboratory Techniques , Medicinal Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Physical Chemistry , Polymer Chemistry , Reaction Mechanisms , Reference Book , Research Material , Sajjad Ahmad , Spectroscopy , Stereochemistry , Study Guide , undergraduate chemistry , Zia ur Rehman Amjad

Organic Chemistry for BSc and BS by Zia ur Rehman Amjad & Sajjad Ahmad

Organic Chemistry for BSc and BS by Zia ur Rehman Amjad and Sajjad Ahmad is a comprehensive textbook designed to provide fundamental and advanced knowledge of organic chemistry. Covering key topics such as reaction mechanisms, functional groups, stereochemistry, and spectroscopy, this book is an essential resource for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in chemistry and related fields.

Key Features:

✔ Comprehensive coverage of fundamental organic chemistry concepts
✔ Detailed explanations of reaction mechanisms and functional group chemistry
✔ Includes stereochemistry, spectroscopy, and organic synthesis techniques
✔ Designed for BSc and BS chemistry students
✔ Features solved examples, practice problems, and illustrations for better understanding

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