"The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (Author), Jeffrey Zaslow" offers readers profound insights into life, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams, as Randy Pausch, a terminally ill professor, imparts his...
"The Practice" by Seth Godin is a profound exploration of creativity, productivity, and the journey of bringing creative work into the world. Renowned for his insights into marketing and entrepreneurship,...
The Winning Attitude how to create Extraordinary Results in Your life As a motivational speaker and coach, one question that Jeff Keller often gets asked is 'What separates successful people...
Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement Anthony Robbins has proven to millions through his books, tapes, and seminars that by harnessing the power of the mind you...
You Can Win: A step by step tool for top achievers n easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking, You Can Win helps you establish...